Digital dew point indicator.
Includes quality control certificate of conformance.
Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency:
Digital dew point indicator
Functional Description:
Ldew point determined by water condensation at a given temperature; the sample gas is cooled until saturation point reached, this is the dew point; atmosphere being sampled is passed over a highly polished stainless steel mirror and is chlled by a controlled jet of carbon dioxide; the temp of the mirror is indicated on a direct reading digital memory meter; the meter release button is released when condensation appears on the mirror giving a true dew point reading
Federal Supply Class (fsc):
Pressure, temperature, and humidity measuring and controlling instruments
National Stock Number (nsn):
Special Features:
Range -100 degrees f to room temp using carbon dioxide as a cooling agent; accuracy +/- 1% between dew points of -100 to 75 degrees f; reproduceabili type 2 degrees f; ambient temp limits sample gas up to +160 degrees f instrument components 32 to 140 degrees f; 20 psig pressure rating; readout digital memory meter using a 28 gauge chromel-constantan thermocouple; lock type memory meter; portable