General Description:
Cabinet, rack mtg, 11.250 in. Lg, 19.000 in. W, 8.750 in. H, recordingrange, 40 db full scale, for dc recording, 0.8 to 1 v /0.8 to 1.0 ma/full scale, level recording, high freq response porm 2 db to 200 khz, dc recording, 3 db down at 8 hz, potentiometer linearity, 20, 40, 80 dbpotentiometers, porm 1 pct of full scale db value plus a freq error of 0.5db at 100 khz and 1.5 db at 200 khz, linear potentiometer, porm 1 pct offull scale, resolution porm 0.25 pct of full scale, max sensitivi type 1 mvat 0 db for level recording, 0.8 or 1 v full scale for dc recording, maxinput voltage 100 v ac, input attenuator, 60 db in 10 db steps, inputimpedance, 10000 ohms for ac level recording, 1000 ohms for dc recordingpaper speeds of 2.5, 7.5, 25, 75 in./min, external dc reference, anexternal dc reference voltage of from 0.5 to 1.5 v can be appliedinternally to correct for variations of up to 3 to 1 in the signal sourceof the system under test, detector response, rms within 0.25 db formultiple sine waves, square waves, or nosie,